Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Planting your Child's Garden - Planning

I love how our Lord spoke to us in parables. I love reading through them and truly meditating on His word. As I was reading the parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:3-9), I was struck by how we could apply this to our homeschooling and our children's education.

There is no doubt...I am a planner. I like seeing where I have come from and where we are going. I find that with a plan, we have a better year all around. Now I am the first to admit that things happen and we must make adjustments. Families come to visit; sickness; an opportunity to serve arises. When I have a plan I have the big picture in mind so I can be flexible without feeling tremendous panic. I like planning on two different levels. First, I prayerfully consider the overall goals of each child. This helps me decide on the details.

Once I have that in mind I begin planning how I will accomplish this in a school year. I do this over the summer using an excel spreadsheet. I also take this time to educate and nourish myself. Too often, I think we run on empty and an overtired, stressed mom is not a good teacher. I still must be reminded of this because I can fall into that trap all too easily! I love taking what I have read and making it my own. I love putting my personal stamp on an idea. Creativity like that doesn't come when we are exhausted!

My favorite gardening tools during the planning phase:

a spiral notebook
I carry this around and scribble all kinds of thoughts and notes as they come.

This is where I start mapping out my year

a book on education

ie Charlotte Mason A Philosphy of Education;
For the Children's Sake; The Whole-Hearted Child

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